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National Working Group Releases 2018 National Education Factsheet 

The National Working Group on Foster Care and Education has released Fostering Success in Education: National Factsheet on the Education Outcomes of Children in Foster Care (National Education Factsheet).This 34-page document summarizes research and studies related to the education of children in foster care and highlights data driven promising interventions and programs. Additionally, there is an updated 2-page Data at a Glance excerpt with fast facts about education and foster care. 

ABA Child Law Practice Issue Highlights Education for Children in Foster Care

Don't miss the November/December 2017 ABA Child Law Practice dedicated to addressing the education needs of children in foster care. Legal Center staff identified article topics and wrote content for this issue. Articles address a new ABA policy endorsing the Blueprints for Change, early childhood education, postsecondary education, the court's role in supporting education for children in foster care, how states are implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act, special education, and school engagement strategies.

ABA Endorses Two Blueprints that Promote Education Success for Court-Involved Children

Recognizing the power of education in helping children in foster care overcome their circumstances and succeed in life, the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted a resolution endorsing the Blueprint for Change: Education Success for Children in Foster Care (2007), and the Blueprint for Change: Education Success for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (2016), at its August 2017 Annual Meeting. Both Blueprints were produced under the leadership of the ABA Center on Children and the Law through partnerships with the Education Law Center, Juvenile Law Center, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

Legal Center Publishes Every Student Succeeds Act Implementation Toolkit 

The Every Student Succeeds Act Implementation Toolkit, published by the Legal Center in January 2017, contains a series of adaptable tools and resources for states and counties to support the school stability and success of students in foster care. Individual implementation tools from the toolkit appear on the Education Stability page.

U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Release Joint Guidance on the Foster Care Provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act

Joint Guidance on the Foster Care Provisions of ESSA - Issued by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 23, 2016.

This joint guidance sends a strong message to schools and districts across the country that the needs of children in foster care must be addressed. The provisions go into effect December 10, 2016. State and local child welfare and education agencies must immediately begin conversations about their shared responsibility to support the school stability and success of students in foster care.

Legal Center summary:

Supporting materials/resources:

President Obama Reauthorizes Every Student Succeeds Act

On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). ESSA reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a 1965 federal law governing education last reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002. Among its provisions, the law now requires states to ensure protections for vulnerable youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. These include school stability and transportation, mandatory data reporting, and agency collaboration.  

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