Search our database for resources and documents on the education needs of children in foster care. Search by state, topic, audience, or document type.
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Learn the spectrum of issues related to foster care and education with these short factsheets.
Read in-depth legal and policy analyses related to foster care and education, including implementing the Fostering Connections Act. Issue briefs include promising practices and state examples.
Who can make special education decisions for a child in foster care is a complex, state-specific issue. The Legal Center has developed a series on special education decision making for children in foster care, including factsheets and articles.
Courtroom Education Advocacy Series
This series helps attorneys, advocates, and judges improve education outcomes for children in foster care. This series includes:
- Q & A Factsheet: Courtroom Education Advocacy
- Judicial Checklist Around Fostering Connections
- Sample Juvenile Court Rules
- Half- or Full-Day Courtroom Education Advocacy Training Curriculum
- Compilation of Education and Child Welfare Laws and Regulations Around Foster Care and Education
Request training or technical assistance on courtroom education advocacy.
Adaptable State Technical Assistance Tools
The Legal Center has developed a variety of materials that can be adapted to
- Training for Judges, Advocates, Child Welfare and Educators
- Data Sharing Agreements and Interagency Memoranda of Understanding
- Screening Tools for Child Welfare and Education Agencies
- Step-by-Step Guides for Educators
- Juvenile Court Rules
Request training or technical assistance for your state.