Pennsylvania Highlights

Pennsylvania has made great strides in improving policy and practice around foster care and education. Recent highlights include:
  • Joint Guidance on FERPA (Uninterrupted Scholars Act): To ensure effective implementation of this important law, the PA Department of Education (PDE) and Department of Public Welfare (DPW), issued joint guidance emphasizing the importance of collaboration and providing practical guidance explaining the law, who can access  records and what documentation should be submitted to  schools.
  • Policy on Fostering Connections Act: DPW issued a comprehensive policy directive to all Pennsylvania counties to address education issues, including requiring education liaisons and an education screen.
  • Judicial Rules:  The PA Supreme Court amended their judicial rules to require judges in dependency matters to inquire into a child’s education stability, the appropriateness of the child’s education – including access to special education and remedial education services – and to ensure that every child in both dependency and delinquency matters has an educational decisionmaker.
  • Educational Success and Truancy Workgroup:  This newly-created statewide workgroup, which includes representatives of from courts, county child welfare agencies, PDE, school districts, and the school board association, meets monthly to provide leadership on education issues facing children in care in PA.  
The Legal Center provided technical assistance to PDE and DPW in developing policy guidance and facilitating stakeholder collaboration to promote these initiatives. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance or have questions about the work in Pennsylvania, please contact us.

To read about other state work, please visit our State Work page.
Legal Center for Foster Care & Education
Targeted State TA

The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education currently provides targeted training and technical assistance to the following states:

  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Iowa
  • Maryland
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Washington
  • Washington, DC 

To request support for your state, please contact us